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Jalan Cigugur Girang No. 145, Parongpong, West of Bandung  40559, Indonesia

+62 87821288689


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Rendy Aditya Wachid


MBA from Bandung Institute of Technology, B.Arch from Parahyangan University.

Social entrepreneurs since 2007, various business on design and build,  hotels, restaurant, art gallery, furniture, F&B, clothing line, and waste management.

10 years on International Experience in Business to Business projects,  spent 5 years in Singapore and China.

Last corporate job in 2011-2016 Senior Project Manager for project in  South East Asia and China. Leads 7 high luxurious hospitality projects  simultaneously.

Currently run 20 years old family resort hotel and organic farm based  in Parongpong, founded zero waste to landfill company, Principal  Architect for sustainable housing company, Co-Owner of Plant-based  organic eateries, and Business Director of one of the best financial  company in Indonesia.

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gadis prameswari azahra

Co - Founder

At the age of 13, she was honoured by Ashoka, an international  NGO, as Ashoka Young Changemakers for a movement that she  made to empower woman to ride bicycle as a symbol of woman  liberation.


At the age of 16, she has spoken as speaker in TEDx  Bandung & Pecha Kucha about her movement to revitalise  Babakan Siliwangi (which now declared as World City Forest by  UNEP) as a public space. She & her social movements has been  featured in national TVs, newspapers & magazine such as Metro  TV, DAAI TV, Pikiran Rakyat, Nylon Magazine, Hai! Magazine,  Gadis Magazine, etc.

At the age of 21, she is teaching as a Tutor Lecturer at Institute  Technology Bandung. In 2017 she’s co-found Parongpong Recycle  and Waste Management, active as speaker, lecturer, for  sustainable living area and people and knowledge management.

©2021 created by Parongpong, a project by R.A.W Management

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